Although this generation may not know what the whooping cough is, chances are we and our kids have or will be vaccinated for it. With the number of vaccinations required per child coming in at over 20 by the time they are six, it can all be confusing and even seem unnecessary. As a result, the topic of vaccinations and immunizations has become a heated one. With many proven adverse reactions in a debated number of recipients and even the theory that vaccines lead to autism, parents and patients are often left wondering which is the best choice.
To help bring you all sides of the debate, we have gathered the below top 30 web forums on vaccinations. They include everything from forums on the first year of your child’s life to how to diagnose and discuss the range of autism spectrum disorders.
Top General Web Forums on Vaccinations
These forums discuss vaccinations and related topics on a wide scale.
- Vaccination Debate and Discussion Forum
From CureZone, this is one of the most up to date forums on vaccinations on the web. It contains information on vaccine hazards, risks, facts, fiction, and much more. Many entries are even submitted by video, as well as the old fashioned text way. - Beyond Vaccination
The tagline to this forum is “adopting a critical view of the available data.” Current issues being discussed are vaccine diseases, autoimmune problems, and even Vitamin C. The main site also has more, along with blogs on the topic. - Immunization Vaccine Community
Visit here for a vaccination forum from MedHelp. Manymembers and even a few experts stop into weigh in on the topic. Recent discussions are on vaccine neurological damage and pain after a flu shot.
- Vaccinations
The Community sponsors this vaccination forum. See why and which mothers are selectively vaccinating, delaying vaccinations, or just not doing it with a visit. You can also check out related articles and reviews on vaccination books. - Vaccination and Immunization Message Board
Health Boards is a site where many healthcare topics are discussed. With a special forum for vaccines, you can read about everything from reactions to vaccines overseas. There are also tons of other boards on health subjects. - JABS Forum
These are the forums for Justice Awareness and Basic Support, a UK based support group for vaccine damaged children. Subjects are divided by experience and support, news and comment, and general chit chat. The main site has loads more information. - Vaccinations
Started in 1998, this group was started by Yahoo! Over 3,000 members stop by to post regular messages. You can also check out the archives. - Immunizations
Part of, they focus on the immunizations scheduled for families, parents, and children. Although some topics have gone a while since the last update, you can still read thoughts on vaccinations. - Mississippi Vaccine Information Center
You don’t have to live in this state to take advantage of the forum. It has many resources on local vaccination offerings, in addition to many thoughts in general. Recent discussions were on how to get your child an exemption from vaccinations. - Vaccination Discussion Board
The people at Earth Clinic believe in folk remedies to many ailments. In this discussion board, the topic of vaccinations is taken on. You can even get sections on chicken pox, flu shots, side effects, and more.
Top Specific Web Forums on Vaccinations
These forums focus on a specific vaccination.
- Travel Vaccinations
A sort of one way forum, this is the place to visit to get the most up to date information on vaccinations for travelers. Sponsored by the CDC, simply click on the country you would like to visit to get the vaccine information for that area. There are also other tips on the subject. - Measles and Mumps Forum
Two of the most common vaccines, check out why having either or both is a bad things with a visit here. Vaccine and immunization questions are also asked. You can also get more from eHealth Forum. - Swine Flu
This vaccine was all the rage when this particular flu blew upa few years ago. It is still being discussed in this forum, along with vaccine news. The main site also has more on pandemic flu.
- Vaccine-A
Don’t know what this vaccine is? According to author Gary Matsumoto, it was administered by the government on soldiers to research its effects. You can read more on the forum. - Smallpox Vaccine
It was in all the headlines after September, 11. In this forum sponsored by PBS, experts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention answer questions regarding the smallpox vaccine. Sample ones include if it is mandatory, how long immunization lasts, and how smallpox is spread. - Flu Shot Worth It?
This forum was sponsored by IsoHunt. In it, visitors stopped by to weigh in with the pro’s and con’s of getting a flu shot. You can even see the percentage of people who voted yes or no. - Travelouge Blog
Get a physician’s advice on travel vaccinations and health with a visit here. M. Kirsch discusses recalls, outbreaks, and more on the blog. You can also leave comments with any thoughts or questions. - Baby’s First Year
Because a child’s first year is when many of the vaccinations happen, stop here. It is an active online community moderated by WebMD. They even have pediatricians stop by to give tips and reply to the occasional thread. - Babies Forum
Get information on vaccines for babies here. It is part of the I Am Pregnant site. There are also loads of other forums for parents. - Ask Dr. Sears
Join in on a discussion with pediatrician Dr. Sears here. He is the author of “The Vaccine Book” and has loads more info on his site. There is even a Facebook page where you can directly send in your questions.
Top Autism Web Forums on Vaccinations
Because autism and vaccine discussions often go together, there are these forums.
- Autism Speaks
This leading group is dedicated to increasing awareness of autism spectrum disorders, funding research, as well as prevention and treatments. You can stop here to create a personal page and begin connecting and listening to what others have to say about autism. You can also look up their thoughts on the vaccine process. - Autism Spectrum Disorders
This forum is part of the expert section on autism spectrum disorders. Lisa Jo Rudy stops into ask and answer questions of her readers. Be sure not to miss her blog with much more. - Autism PPD
Stop here for regular discussions on everything from whereto find autism resources in your area to alternative autism treatments. Other topics include parents of autistic children, references, events, and others. The main site also has the basics of autism.
- Autism Forums
Check out the psychological side of autism in this forum. Over 30,000 members stop here to discuss loads of psychology subjects, including autism. Topics are sorted by most recent. - Autism Talk
Visit here for issues such as education, support, and therapies for those with autism. You can also get age specific talk for those with autism from pre-school to high school. They also have regularly updated news and articles. - Autism Forum
The forums at eHealth also have this entry for autism. Expert Abhijeet Deshmukh, MD stops in to moderate and answer a few questions. Recent topics are on the symptoms of autism and the link to multiple sclerosis. - Autism Web Forum
Visit here for a small forum on autism. Topics include advice, diet, articles, book reviews, and even recipes. You can also check out the special section with the most popular posts. - US Message Board
The tagline here is “getting shots: autism or death now.” With no blows withheld, this community discusses the subject of vaccinations in a frank and upfront manner. Watch out for adult language as well. - Wrong Planet
This is the web community designed for individuals (and parents / professionals of those) with Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, ADHD, PDDs, and other neurological differences. In addition to the forum, you can also find articles, blogs, and a chat room. There are also links to relevant autism podcasts and videos. - Autism Spectrum Message Board
Health Boards turns in another forum for autism discussion here. The latest topics include problems with autism, self-injury, and adults with autism. There are also related boards to view.
The debate over vaccinations is not to be taken lightly. It is important to discuss your own and your child’s vaccination plans with as many experts as possible before following any of the advice found in the above top 30 web forums on vaccinations. Because delaying and denying vaccinations can have a downside all its own, consider carefully before choosing.